5 Marketing Channels to Prioritize Now

An estimated 75% of digital marketing budgets are wasted. Choose the right tactics for your specific business. There are hundreds of marketing tactics available to business owners and marketing managers. They are all valuable. Different combinations of marketing channels will work better than others, depending on the business, objectives and audience segments. For each business

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3 Connections

Do you know why your customers choose you? Customers need to feel connected to a brand in order to engage and ultimately become loyal brand followers and repeat customers. This happens in one of 3 ways (and all three if you are a superstar brand): An emotional connection – a feeling about the brand that

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So Many Shiny Objects

Recently, I met a very bright and ambitious man who has achieved some success at a young age selling a very specific online marketing tactic. We met at a conference and I was genuinely interested in what he offered and whether there may be opportunities to collaborate in some way. My experience is in helping

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Marketing for the Busy Business

Marketing isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.  I often say that marketing is not easy, but it also doesn’t have to be complicated. I want to share why this is true and how companies can take their business to another level by having a real strategy to follow. Some business owners think

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